Do you need instant medical help?
Specialist call in less than 10 minutes

Do you need instant
medical help?

Specialist call in less than 10 minutes

Specialist’s calls available anytime!

The "Urgent Care" offers instant access to specialist support for people in critical situations. It streamlines assistance, ensuring fast and efficient problem resolution.

Instant help without downloading
the app, how does it work?

  • 1
    Tap on Urgent care button
  • 2
    Fill out the form
    Leave your name, telephone number and email address
  • 3
    Proceed payment
    You'll see a screen confirming that your request was successful
  • 4
    Urgent call with Specialist
  • 5
    Visit in your place
    If there is a need Specialist can come to your place or hotel room
Instant help in the app
Payment in the app
Access to all passed appointments
Your appointment record
Vitals scan
Reminders before the call
Both online and In-office appointments

Download mobile app
for iOS & Android

Download DrOnline on your mobile device.

Why is it worth to try DrOnline?

Get instant treatment & outpatient services
All doctors providing their treatments to patients are fully specialized. In any case your treatment can start within a few moments.
Experienced and board-certified doctors available at your fingertips
Caring Experienced and board-certified doctors available at your fingertips.
Global pool of doctors, not available in your location
Provide yourself high quality services, and comfort if you decide to visit doctors from various specialisations, or just get a second opinion.
Select the best Specialist
Search out our base and select the best Specialist fits your needs
Holistic approach is a key to a proper solution
OTC medicines, prescription drugs. Measuring your vitals, screenings and many other procedures can be ensured in order to high quality treatments.

Download mobile app
for iOS & Android

Download DrOnline on your mobile device.